
目前顯示的是 12月, 2018的文章

泰國人氣面膜Anna bella 結合泰國古方草本:泰國海藻面膜

Anna bella的創始公司VERYMWL(泰國)成立於2010年(泰國曆法2553年)。作為泰國最前沿的網上商店之一,VERYMWL在過去五年中逐漸從一家小型護膚品研發公司發展為全國知名的市場領導者。 憑藉在護膚方面的技術特長,以及來自世界各地最新亦最安全的成分與泰國古方草本元素的結合, VERYMWL專門研製了多重修護功效的美容產品系列 -- Anna bella,以迎合亞洲女士的需求。 這意味著Anna bella是創新草本護膚領域的領先品牌, 泰國海藻面膜 ,能為皮膚提供最根本的滋養,適合日常使用以改善膚質。此品牌系列同時還重點針對皮膚損傷與敏感問題,格外着重增強皮膚的自我修復及抗衰老功能。 專業回復肌膚青春,高科技草本護膚領導品牌,並且為 泰國人氣面膜 , 品質卓越,能夠增強皮膚的自我修復以及抗衰老功能,並使肌膚底層回復至健康狀態。

History of VERYMWL make you like model face

At the end of 2014, propelled by the trans-regional initiative, together with its strong desire to step into the China market, VERYMWL has founded ANNABELLA. With the technological expertise on skincare as well as the combination of the lastest but yet safest ingredients from across the world and the ancient herbal elements from Thailand, it is undoubted that the ranges of ANNABELLA products have exclusively been formulated to deliver multiple skin improving benefits to meet the desires of both Chinese and Thai people. This means ANNABELLA, the leading brand in herbal innovative skincare, is able to provide the most fundamental skin nourishing. ANNABELLA is focused on skin damage and sensitive problems and its core capability is skin repair and also with moisturizing and hydration, soothing and anti-sensitivity function. In 2014, the Government of China initiated the close economic partnership with ASEAN countries an...